Type: [ctrl]+[e]
, [c]
, [l]
User the proxy
at port 8000
It allows you to fetch files from *.openbsd.org
export http_proxy=
Type: [ctrl]+[e]
, [c]
, [o]
to reopen
the serial device.
the testmaster maschine.git clone ssh://web@obsd-lab.genua.de:10031/home/web/obsdlab
if you edit one of the dia files. This needs
dia and inkscape installed on your
local system.git commit
git push
Host virt
user user
port 10043
hostname obsd-lab.genua.de
export LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI=qemu+ssh://user@virt/system
virsh console user-vm
# fdisk -e sd3
# newfs_msdos sd3i
# mount /dev/sd3i /mnt
# unzip Release_28.2.1.zip
# cd NVMUpdatePackage/700_Series
# unzip 700Series_NVMUpdatePackage_v9_30_EFI.zip
# cp -r ./700Series /mnt
# umount /mnt
# reboot
Shell:\> fs0:
FS0:\> cd 700Series
FS0:\700Series\> cd EFI2x64
FS0:\700Series\EFI2x64\> nvmupdate64e.efi
FS0:\700Series\EFI2x64\> reset
# ipmitool -I lan -H bmcxx -U admin -P password
mc reset cold